FY Hallmark

Hi Paula,

I have a few pieces of Frank Yazzie’s jewelry, which I find really sweet.  Do you know anything about him?  His work, his life?  thank you so much for helping.  I found these adorable pieces and was wondering about the history.  It looks like the Yazzie family might have had a few jewelry makers.  Thank you,  Shelley
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Yazzie is one of the most common Navajo names and many Yazzie family members do make jewelry.   There are nearly 70 Yazzie artists listed in just one of my hallmark books. Not all artists who have produced or are producing are listed in hallmark books so that means there are likely many more Yazzie silversmiths.
There are two FY hallmarks in my books. One is Fatoya Yazzie  who does contemporary adaptations of classic designs, necklaces.
The other is Frank Yazzie (Francis Yazzie) of Zuni Pueblo, NM born in 1920. He began making jewelry in 1935. I’m not sure if he is still making jewelry, or for that matter, if he is still alive. His teacher was Charlie Bitsue, his grandmother’s brother.
We have carried his classic horse earrings for years but have not purchased any for several years so I am not sure of his status.
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4 thoughts on “FY Hallmark

  1. May I send a brass piece cuff bracelet for your and your readers to comment on. I just love it and feel very Spiritual when I wear it. Thank you kindly.


  2. Hello I recently inherited a few pieces I think may be loloma and a sunwei may I send you some pics tell me what you think?

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